
So what do I do now?

Choices – make them, don’t just let inertia take you for a ride.

Just another game, just another chocolate, just another whatever-it-is that you tend to do without thinking – don’t just do it without stopping and thinking and making a conscious decision.

Think: so what am going to do now? Choose what you are going to do. Because the time you spend on whatever-it-is will be gone by the end of it and how will you feel then? Will you want to kick yourself, or will you feel you’ve done something positive with your time?

So, what do I do now?

Maybe something that is on the list of things I should do? Maybe something that is on the list of things I enjoy doing? Work, rest or play – all are important. But don’t just waste the time without deciding what you’re going to do with it. Use it. Use it in such a way that afterwards you won’t want to kick yourself.

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