Stop press: I’ve moved!

It seems quite apt for a last post here, on a blog I defined as “sharing stuff I’m learning as I go”, to say: I’ve learned that I’m not really good at compartmentalising and that trying to keep separate blogs for different purposes just isn’t the way for me.

So, from now on I’m going to do  all  most of my blogging in one place, which I’ve named quite simply Meirav’s Blog. (The one exception is Church Laundry, which I am going to keep as a separate entity as I feel it really is fulfilling a specific need.)

If you’d like to keep reading my posts, come on over to my nice new blog, and click the “follow” button.

Thank you for flying Lyagushka Airlines. Hope you enjoyed the flight.


If it’s not staring me in the face, I probably won’t get round to reading it

In the constant battle with interesting posts I see online and want to read but not now, when I discovered Instapaper I thought it was the answer – so easy to just add a post to my Instapaper so that … Continue reading


Why I’m better at sprints than marathons – some thoughts about procrastination

At least one of the reasons for my procrastination is that I need a sense of urgency to get motivated to do certain tasks. A deadline gets my adrenaline going. The pressure of having to get something done by a … Continue reading


So that’s what the “more” button does!!!

This gallery contains 1 photos.

Remember how excited I got when I discovered what Gallery posts are? Well, it turns out that there is more than one way of achieving the same objective, which means you don’t have to use a theme with the Gallery … Continue reading

Google Plus

Google+ is great but there’s no archiving system there, you can’t easily find old posts, so I’m going to use this post to accumulate useful links for G+ newbies. Continue reading


Trying to help isn’t always helpful

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person is not to keep trying to help them, but to refer them to someone else who really can help.


I was going to write something about staying focused but I got distracted

It was a comment on my previous post that got me thinking about this. I do sometimes long for the days of the typewriter, when I could sit down and type something without a zillion other things vying for my … Continue reading


Why I don’t think I can computerise my to do list

had been wondering about this recently, as so far I haven’t really managed to create a system that works for me long-term – every now and again I’ve started a new notepad or something where I would jot down each … Continue reading


Reasons why it’s easier to upset people online #37.4

not trying to cover all the reasons here, just one that I’ve just twigged about: we don’t see the other person’s face, so we don’t see how hurt they are. it’s the total opposite of those computer games where people … Continue reading


Sometimes it’s me…

I’ve mentioned this before – I get annoyed when I feel people don’t listen to each other properly, and I find it hurtful when it happens to me – when I feel someone has not really heard what I said, … Continue reading